Within the ever-changing universe of innovations, the motorcycle world is trying to keep up by focusing on and improving the electric motorcycle. Even though the market is rife with ICE models, electric motorcycles are undoubtedly a force to reckon with as they fight to claim a spot in the limelight. Their adoption curve is still in the early stages, and you might not find electric motorbikes everywhere. At Maxey's Motorsports, we have a variety of amazing electric options up our sleeves. To learn more, visit our location in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, also serving Tulsa and Edmond.

What Is an Electric Motorcycle?

Electric motorcycles use electric motors instead of the common internal combustion engines. They differ from their ICE models in that they rely on a lithium-ion battery for their energy source. Like any other bike model, they're produced by many manufacturers and exist in various shapes and sizes.

Benefits of Owning an Electric Motorcycle

Electric motorcycles are gaining popularity among those who want to "go green" since they help minimize gas emissions and keep the air cleaner compared to the ICE models. In addition, they're cheaper to operate since you don’t have to top up the tank with gas. That aside, many locales provide reduced taxes as well other essential incentives for green vehicles.

These electric models are less noisy and more comfortable for those who love a quiet ride, unlike the petrol-powered motorbikes that have extremely loud ICE engines. They have a simpler design with fewer components, so less stuff needs to be replaced during maintenance.

Another great feature of electric motorcycles is instant torque, and maximum torque can be achieved at nearly zero RPM. For this reason, even the less expensive electric motorbikes are bound to outdo their more powerful and expensive ICE counterparts. Last but not least, these models don’t have gears, making them easy to ride even for newcomers to the motorcycle world.

Disadvantages of the Electric Motorcycle

The biggest downside to having an electric motorcycle is range anxiety — dealing with the uncertainty of whether you’ll make it to your destination or the next available charging station before the battery dies out. However, you might be much safer and less anxious if you just ride around the city or have a charger nearby.

In addition, electric motorcycles need to recharge, which can be quite time consuming. The up-front cost of acquiring these bikes can be a turnoff, too. Lower demand for the electric models means the buyer is always at a disadvantage.

Licenses and Insurance

The laws regarding electric motorcycles are similar to those for ordinary ones. You may need a special license before taking your electric motorcycle on the roads, and insurance is mandatory. It's wise to check with your state’s laws concerning electric motorcycles before laying out money for one.

If you'd like more information about electric motorcycles, contact our team at Maxey's Motorsports today. We invite you to visit our location in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, also serving Tulsa and Edmond.